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Morning movements on the yoga deck - what a unique beginning of the day! Walking as a group in silence made me open for nature , me and the participants.

Getting in tactile touch with grass, water, stones, tree bark, flowers, wind and leaves made me grateful and modest.

Petra Wälti, Bern

Summer Retreat 2024, Valle Cannobina

Liebe Karin, lieber Chris

Ich möchte euch nochmals von Herzen danken für das wunderbare und verwöhnende Retreat! Auf allen Ebenen habe ich mich sehr verwöhnt gefühlt von euch, an diesem wunderschönen und ruhenden Ort. Ich war überwältigt davon, wie liebevoll und detailliert ihr alles vorbereitet und geführt habt!  & sehr einfach hats gemacht, dass die Yoga- und Atemsessions professionell direkt an die vorhandenen Niveaus angepasst wurden.

Es war eine richtige Oase der Energie, zum tanken wie fliessen, diese Tage mit euch!



Sabine Kreienbuehl, Bern

Spring Retreat  2024, Valle Cannobina

Liebe Karin, lieber Chris,

von Herzen Danke für die wunderbare Zeit - ihr wart die besten Gastgeber und Retreat-Hosts die man sich hätte wünschen können.

Da es mein erstes Retreat war, hatte ich vorab keine Vorstellung davon, was mich erwartet und es war ein bisschen eine Reise ins Ungewisse. Eure warme, aufmerksame und herzliche Art aber hat schon das Ankommen sehr leicht gemacht, sodass man sich sofort wohl und willkommen gefühlt hat. Das Programm aus den morgendlichen Yogaeinheiten draußen im Freien, den geführten Hiking-Touren, den Shiatsu Anwendungen und den Einheiten am Nachmittag mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten zu Dehnung und Atemtechniken, waren die perfekte Mischung für einen vielseitigen und abwechslungsreichen Tagesablauf. Dazu die köstlichen und jeden Tag aufs neue frisch zubereiteten Mahlzeiten, das Zusammensein in dieser kleinen feinen Gruppe, das waren zusätzliche Highlights. Und dies alles in Cursolo, diesem magischen Ort, der für sich genommen bereits ein kleines Abenteuer war.

Schon ab Tag zwei hatte ich das Gefühl, ich bin voll in diesem neuen Rhythmus angekommen. Rückblickend fühlt es sich an, als wäre nicht nur knapp eine Woche sondern mindestens ein Monat vergangen, so sehr ist der Alltag in die Ferne gerückt und hat Platz gemacht für Momente vollkommener Entspannung und Seelenruhe.


Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass ich in der relativ kurzen Zeit so viel an neuen Erfahrungen, Eindrücken und Wissen mitnehmen kann. Für mich war das Retreat ein großes Glück und kam genau zur richtigen Zeit. Ich hoffe und wünsche mir, dass ich etwas davon in meinem Leben hier in Berlin fortführen und integrieren kann. In jedem Fall hat es mir neue Motivation gegeben, mir wieder mehr Zeit für Yoga und Meditation zu nehmen. Das Augenkissen hilft übrigens sehr dabei, mich zurück auf das Yogadeck zu imaginieren und diese Verbindung dorthin herzustellen, und bisher habe ich es jeden Tag genutzt  


Also, tausend Dank an euch und viele liebe Grüße aus Berlin!

Inga Scheuvens, Berlin

Spring Retreat Valle 2024, Valle Cannobina

Es war ein wunderschoener yoga-retreat! Absolut perfekt von Anfang bis Ende.

Noch nie habe ich so gute vinyasa yoga sessions in einer so schoenen und inspirierenden Umgebung gemacht. Diese Holz-platform von Gruen umringt mit Blick ueber das ganze Tal zu geniessen, waehrend der yoga Stunden und dem ‘breathing workshop’, der Meditation oder am besten noch waehrend der super effektiven und entspannenden Shiatsu Behandlung war echt das Allerbeste, wirklich traumhaft! Es war ein so ausgewogenes und durchdachtes und gut organsiertes Programm zusaetzlich mit tollen Wanderungen und leckerem, gesundem vegetarischem / veganen Essen. Dieses lange Wochenende draussen, mit alledem und in Ruhe, Natur und mit netter Gesellschaft hat mir mehr Erholung verschafft und mehr Energie gegeben als alle anderen Trips und Urlaube  zusammen!

Ich freue mich auf naechstes Jahr…, hoffentlich wieder mit strahlendem Sonnenschein :)

Esther Ortmann, London

Spring Retreat 2024, Valle Cannobina

Das tägliche Yoga auf dem Holzdeck mit diesem wunderbaren Ausblick ins Tal und die Berglandschaft hat mich sehr gestärkt und innere Weite geschenkt.

Die Wanderungen durch die Wälder, an Bächen und Dörfer vorbei, mit guten Gesprächen, in dieser liebevollen Gruppe, hat mich sehr geerdet.

Die frische vegatrische Kost aus dem Garten war sehr fein. Vielen herzlichen Dank an Dich und Karin. Gestärkt und Zufrieden durfte ich in meinen Alltag zurückkehren. 

Ursi Bucher, Bern

Spring Retreat 2024, Valle Cannobina

Well I continue to surprise myself. Here I am in Spanish speaking Mallorca in the middle of a yoga and creative writing retreat. Attending, in addition to me and Jolanda, are Sylvia from Switzerland, Louise and Sophie from the UK plus our instructors Stella and Chris. Vinyasa-flow yoga for an hour and half each morning followed by brunch. Another yoga session, kundalini or restorative in the afternoon. And then, on alternate days, a class of creative writing before dinner. Finally followed by mantra chanting with hand actions. Hand actions! Well this shy, insecure Kiwi man has come a long way . . . 

I have to say I am finding the chanting after dinner the most challenging. I am of course completely out of my comfort zone but, aside from that, mantra participation requires singing along in Sanskrit while at the same time performing quite complex movements. Last night I was defeated by one particular piece. I had to give up on the words and concentrated on following the actions which were surprisingly energetic. At one stage you are required to cleave the air vigorously downwards with clenched fists, as though you are chopping wood. Then follows some quick breast-stroke action before making some hand signs in the air. I was giving it my all when I realised my efforts were becoming the focus of some hilarity from Sophie and Louise. I have to admit playing up a little to my audience while at the same time being aware of some stern glances from Stella. It was a tricky situation . . .


Mantra chanting can be good for you with benefits such as lowering stress levels. I have to say I did find myself enjoying things and felt pretty chilled. I guess you just have to give it a go to experience what it’s all about . . .


We have had two sessions of creative writing so far and I have been transfixed. We are required to “free write” each day – just to write continuously and without stopping. Stella says: “You can’t find the right dance if you aren’t on the dance floor” which is another way of saying writing is a discipline. No discipline – no creativity.  We have learned about structuring a story, building characters and about how to make a story gripping. For our homework we had to write a poem. Well that was the first poem I have written in about . . . ever. Thankfully you will be spared the end result in this blog. Suffice to say it involved a boat called  Rusty.

Our retreat is based at Finca son Artigues in Mallorca’s south – between the towns of Porreres and Felanitx. The owners have created a wildlife refuge here with donkeys, rabbits, frogs and one quite bouncy three-legged dog. For the guests there are various amenities – two self-contained residential houses with a total of seven rooms, a kitchen block and yoga shala. The grounds are beautiful – two swimming pools, outdoor patio areas - we are quite spoilt really.

To add to our indulgent lifestyle for seven days, all our meals are cooked and served to us around a large communal dining table. All vegetarian, beautifully prepared and presented by Adrienn, a delightful Hungarian girl. Check out her Instagram account “tastemosaics”.

As I sit writing this on our last day, the others are participating in some Somatic dancing – a sort of free dance technique with the focus on exploring the internal experience of the dancer as opposed to dancing for how it looks. Now that is completely out of my comfort zone. I guess one thing I am learning is while it's liberating to say yes to more things, there is also something to say for having the courage to say no. It’s all about getting the balance right.

So how do I feel at the end of this week? Well I’m pretty sore, particularly in my shoulder. But I am definitely stronger, I feel more flexible and definitely have a quieter and calmer mind. I have hugely enjoyed the tuition and guidance from Chris and Stella – two extremely talented, kind and compassionate people. 

And I have loved the companionship – laughing and talking about things that matter with some seriously cool people."

Richard Norris, New Zealand

Mallorca Retreat 2019 

Thank you again for leading such a wonderful week with Stella. It will stay with me for a long time. My body, mind and soul feel stronger and I also have some things to ponder following the chakra session with Laura.

Thank you too for all the nice moments. It was a lovely group in such a serene place. Can't believe it's been so long since we were dancing in the moonlight under the fig tree!"

Sophie Craig, London / UK

Umbria Retreat 2017

Locanda della Quercia Calante 

The retreat was a wonderful mix of relaxation and challenge. The variety and daily focus in the yoga practice was very enjoyable. Through their sensitive and personal ways Stella and Chris created a very trustful atmosphere."

Fabienne Fahrni, Bern / Switzerland

Andalucia Retreat 2017, Centro Santillan 

„The retreat with Chris and Stella was a wonderful experience. They complement each other in such a great way that you feel that you get a very allround yoga experience. From intense yoga practice to still meditation, pranayama and mantras before bed. 

The location was also a fantastic choice, the shala, the rooms, the landscape and especially the food were amazing. The very friendly staff made the stay unforgettable."

Irene van Zeeland, The Hague / Netherlands

Andalucia Retreat 2017, Centro Santillan 

„Yoga has brought so much peace, serenity and joy to my life. It allows me to bring my mind, body and soul back into balance – also thanks to Chris. I have had the great pleasure of attending many of Chris' classes and workshops (by the way, I’ll never forget his amazing Laughter Yoga workshop). Chris is an excellent teacher, instilling a love of yoga in his students with his skill, passion and compassion. His classes are just flowing, inspiring and they always have a little (dancing) twist. Gorgeous – I like!“ 


Stephanie Plaschy, Bern / Switzerland

I regularly went to Chris’ Yoga lessons, I guess it must have been for almost two years. I very much loved his teaching style, he guided through the lessons in a very calm and uplifting way. I gained a lot of mental and physical strength during that time. I can wholeheartedly recommend his lessons and will at any time love to repeat the experience. Thank you very much, Chris!"

Corinne Ögerli, Bern / Switzerland 

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